Mid- March Update

Hoping not to jinx things, it looks like Spring maybe slowly making it ways into 2014. There were two days in a row of temperatures above 40 degrees and sunshine both days. The bad news is that means the Mud Season is also starting. With all of the snowfall this past Winter, there is lots of melting to come before real Spring Days arrive. There have been a few set-back days and nights when the temperatures again dropped well below freezing, but with the warm days between it is a bit more tolerable. With any degree of luck the Late March update can report that March is exiting like a Lamb and Spring like conditions prevail.

Spring officially got here during this period, but not without Winter sending one last reminder. The “Vulcan” front passed well to the south but there have been a few cooler days and nights below zero yet again. However, once this front passes daytimes will be above freezing and nights just below. That’s good weather for maple tapping which is something in future plans.

The greenhouse is now available and getting warmed up for seedlings. Most of the seeds will be started indoors and moved into the greenhouse once they get established. The Hoop House needs a new cover and that will be coming soon once the temps warm and the winds remain calm. New this year will be a hoop house for the grapes as they aren’t doing well overwinter. Hopefully this will provide enough protect that a crop will develop in a couple of years.

Once the snowpack melts down some more, it will be time to trim up the apple trees. Unfortunately with the past Winter, the deer have gotten a start, but there’s not too much damage. The trucks were all wrapped but the snow is deep enough yet that they haven’t been inspected for damage yet. Because Spring is so cool hand pollination will be in order for whatever blossoms develop. This should be the last year before adequate crops develop so it will be interesting to see how that goes. To assist with pollination, some mason bee houses are going into the orchard this summer. Hand pollination may still be needed, but time will tell.

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