Fluffy Bottom Farm and Homestead began in 2005 as a retirement homestead. Shortly after its founding, it became increasingly clear that the economy and society were becoming less and less predictable. This culminated in the crash of 2008. At that point, living on a farming homestead became more and more compelling.
The homestead started off as a homestead garden with a few egg chickens. With the future indicators weakening, the homesteading vision quickly became one that including increasing resiliency for what the future may hold.
Currently the homestead includes over 1000 square feet of raised bed gardens, orchards including apples and various soft fruits. The eggs chickens have grown to include a flock of 30 layers plus a collection of exhibition cochins as well as a small colony of Palomino based rabbits. The chickens and rabbits provide a wealth of composed manure to build and improve the native soils as well as a constant surplus of eggs.
Power to outbuildings consists of individual solar arrays with battery storage as well as grid based power. These systems provides for lighting needs as well as a small amount of additional power. Increasing the amount of solar production is a high priority for the future.
All structures are utilized for water collection with over 300 gallons of rainwater on hand at most freeze-free times. Future plans include increasing the water storage to more than 1000 gallons.
Currently, home heating a portion of the kitchen needs is provided by a wood stove as well as an outdoor combination grill/oven/stove in season.
Beginning in 2016, work on the Farm and Homestead became complex enough that additional help was needed. Since then, that has relied on Matt Mercer, a young man interested in learning the skills of farming and homesteading. Having taken on more and more of the daily operations, Matt will act as the Farm Manager beginning in 2020. As a vital member of the team, he will eventually take over the complete operation and continue the vision into the next generation. While the farm and homestead are fully operational, planning, improving, and expanding opportunities continue.
January 2020