December Recap

The weather pattern this month has been brutal with more snow than usual and much colder temperatures than average. The coldest overnight has been -25 F, daytimes in the teens, and few days of sun. Only one day broken the freezing mark during the entire month. Due to the lack of heating days, the snow that has fallen has remained on the ground. The only consolation has been that the ground has not frozen solid but for the top inch or two. Unlike much of the state, the electricity has stayed on and the wood stove has kept things snug indoors. The animals have faired well with dealing with frozen waterers and cold overnight. Hopefully the new year will improve things.

Late December and into January is the time for planning and goal setting for the coming year. Each year end, previous goals are evaluated and new goals set. Plans need to be made for the animal breeding as well as for the garden and orchards. Timely planning is essential to having a successful year.

Last year was focused on getting breeding stock for the chicken projects. With the bantam cochins, brown reds (both frizzles and smooth) and wheatens were the focus in 2013. Adequate numbers of brown reds were raised so that a number of breeding pens can be set-up that hopefully will produce more brown reds as well as a few lemon blues. The most important wheaten raised was a young cockerel so that a pure wheaten line can be established. In addition a small group of potential black/blue tailed reds will be available to try and breed a breeding pen for 2014. The Mille Fleurs held their own in 2013 and will be in focus next year.

A number of rabbits were produced in 2013, but the market is very soft so only one or two breedings may be planned for 2014. With the inability to get rid of stock limited, it is important to limit the number for next winter!

The garden catalogs continue to arrive and selections for the coming season has started. Near the end of January orders will be completed to include seeds and plants for 2014. Additionally there will be a project to construct a protective enclosure for the grapes, an addition of at least 8 more beds, and a number of fruit and plant cuttings to start. If possible tree plantings will also get a boost this coming year.

Other projects will include a new wood shed to replace the winter damaged tent that was used to store firewood, new entrance areas for the farm, insulating some of the winter quarters, and more land clearing around the homestead.

Details of all the plans, goals, and projects will follow in January.

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